OO/Patterns and MS
According to Edgar Sanchez, Martin Fowler is now starting to use C# examples in his book (thanks for the tip about the book Edgar!).
I agree that this helps C# to be more accepted in OO communities because of Fowler's "embrace". But. Are there any active community working with oo-theory and pattern languages for the Microsoft platform? I haven't found any.
A gotdotnet workspace were created for this puropse. I joined Architectural Repository but with only 15 postings in 3 months it seemed pretty useless.
I've also skimmed through most of MSDN and found just about 3 or 4 interesting articles related to patterns and architecture. They are working on it though. http://msdn.microsoft.com/architecture and http://msdn.microsoft.com/practices are the places Microsoft wants us to use for this purpose.
MSDN has also a "call for architectural papers" out there that will probably remove the [coming soon!] tag from their Patterns link.
I've started a bit myself in implementing some patterns in C# to identify variations and possibilities. I would like to share. Where?