Solution for Subversion 502 Bad Gateway problem when using Forefront as reverse proxy
Just as a slight note to self, but possibly useful for others running Subversion under Apache 2 on Windows (2008 in my case) behind Forefront TMG (nextgen ISA Server). The setup was working very good until I tried committing a move or a copy from my local machine. Typically things started going wrong when doing renames with ReSharper through VisualSVN in Visual Studio.You'll see errors like these:
Running TypeMock with Gallio on build server or agent without local install
I tend to dislike having to do local installs of software on my Puzzlepart build servers (or agents) because this also means that developers will need to install something specific to be able to build the project. That's bad and unfortunately the norm for the projects I've downloaded and reviewed lately.
A few comments on the Microsoft Dynamics 5.0 sneak peek
Simon Hutson wrote about the new features of CRM 5.0 and was forced to remove it again. Fortunately Stefano Demiliani posted it too, and now the content is reblogged all over:)
Puzzlepart with openness as core value
The development of Puzzlepart getting very concrete. In the past few months I've been working very hard on getting the entire business concept just right. I've put a lot of emphasis on talking to just about every possible stakeholder in a potential Puzzlepart ecosystem; potential investors, technology analysts, financial analysts, developers, architects, potential customers, and our immediate community. Based on the feedback some of the core concepts has changed and evolved several times over the past few months.
NRK P3 Visits Puzzlepart HQ
Some friday fun out of the ordinary:-)