SMTP Server (create temporary email addresses)

I am still developing my own SMTP server. A lot of people asked me why do I don't offer a POP3 server to get the emails. "Only a webfrontent is not enough for us...!" Ok, I started to create a POP3 server that will offer the messages. As you know already a demo server is running for the domain If you want to have a test account you can a message to robot @ with the subject new email and you will get the account details for your POP3 mailbox.

Click here to get a temporary email address!

If I have time this weekend I will put the .DLLs on my webpage for download. I also add a new DNS.dll where you can get A, CNAME, MX records for domains. This is neccessary if you want to send emails directly to the SMTP server for one domain instead of using your Internet Providers SMTP server.

Note: you can only retreive messages using POP3, there is no open SMTP server at the moment to send messages to public domains.


  • Mirco said

    It is working:

    Thank you for creating a temporary email account! You can start using this email address right now!

    Your account details:
    username: ilycyhom
    password: xxxxxx

    It is not possible to send any email from this account! Your account will be deleted in about 2-3 weeks.

    Note: Your original email address xxxxxx
    will only by used to send this email message! There will be
    no newsletter activation or other SPAM related action on it!

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