Ajax.NET and GotDotNet workspace
As I wrote in one of my last blog source code has been copied from the GotDotNet workspace and some files have been changed (removed Copyright,...). I have stopped the workspace because I am not sure how to handle this. Also there is a problem with the maximum member count on GotDotNet. There are still 22 pending users.
I have done a big update on the Ajax.NET DLL. Now, you can build your own JSON converter to use every object on the client by building a converter. Objects can be used as method arguments, i.e. you can send a DateTime value directly from Javascript. Unicode support for request and response is no available. More security checks are made to ensure that the correct method is called. Session variables can be used to get data from the user. In the new version there is no restriction on how many request made at the same time.
Because there are a lot of developers asking for more examples I have added more examples to show the mostly used scenarios.
I will speak at the .NET User Group Franken (Ineta) on Mai, 30th. For more details visit http://www.dodned.de/.
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karl said
As one of those people who urged you to go open source I feel quite bad. I hope that you find a way to deal with this so that we can move on :)
Shawn B. said
The sad thing is that the person has the source files and will continue to do as they please while the rest of us have to suffer because of it. It's a shame.
buk said
I understand - its a shame, but I think you will find a solution.
rodrigob said
Why do not simply creates a project at
berlios.de ?
it is free, german, use SVN and has no participants limits !
Russell said
I've looked at all the downloads, maybe I'm missing one, can you post a url for the new samples? Thanks.
Michael Schwarz said
Hello together, I am in contact with several developers and companies to get the correct open source place. Using GotDotNet doesn't allow to add enough users. But the source safe intergration in VS.NET is very good. So, I am still searching a open source place where I can have a good integration in VS.NET.
Chad Humphries said
You could always go to sourceforge.net.