Ajax.NET supports System.Drawing.Bitmap as return value

Some developers asked me if it is possible to return a image? Yes, it is working now. Version is available online.

I also updated the example web page. You will find a test for returning a DataSet getting from a SQL Server, a simple NewsTicker application that will show different news on the client, and a little example how to return images.

Thanks to all developers and beta testers!!! I am working on Web Controls that are supporting Ajax.NET. My first control will be parent-child dropdown boxes and a tree control. Do you have any good idea? What are you searching for? What are you missing?? Please contact me using the contact form or write any comment on this site.

You can download the current release at http://ajax.schwarz-interactive.de/download/ajax.zip. The new exmaple is available at http://ajax.schwarz-interactive.de/csharpsample/default.aspx.

(Sorry for all VB.NET developers, because I do not have enought time the VB.NET examples will be some days older.)


  • Fayez Al-Mutairi said

    How Ajax support callback timeouts ?

    For example, I want to call a server method and give it 10 seconds to respond.
    If no responses received within 10 second Ajax should call my timeout handler instead of my callback method.

    This is essential when you call a server method repeateadly using (JavaScript setTimeoutInterval function) to do a routine fetch of data. Now when the data took so long to fetch, i would like to report it back to the user and then start a new call.

  • Marc said

    You can do this be returning a object that will be around the real value.

    public class ReturnValue
    public object MyRealValue = null;
    public bool IsTimeout = false;
    public int CallAfterSeconds = 60;

  • Shindigo said

    Parent-Child dropdown box control please!!

    This is easy to do with HTML <select> lists, but I'm having difficulty getting this working with two <asp:dropdownList>

    The trouble is I want it to remember the value of the second list between page refreshes, but it seems to me that I would have to somehow rebind the second list in the Ajax handler.

    Have you made any progress on this?

  • Frank said

    I've been searching for a component to use as an Instant Messaging over a web application and found AJAX to have the potential to make this happen. What I was thinking about was a messaging type of system as what some websites have for their live support chat. What do you guys think?

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