Download new latest beta version for Ajax.NET Professional

I have added a very simple demo page that will show the features are currently in the downloadable beta version. See my new web site at


  • MarcD said

    What version of ASP.NET does this support. I've tried your older 2.0 version and it does not seem to work. I registered the handlers according tothe doc but it is not placing the <script ajax links in and attempting to manually guess and type them is resulting in errors. I attempted to use the latest beta with 2.0 and it compiles fine but using

    AjaxPro.Utility.RegisterTypeForAjax(typeof(WebForm1)) is throwing a null reference exception.

  • Cory Cissell said

    The typeof keyword will not compile in Vb .Net. Visual Studio says that my class is a type and can not be used as an expression. When I use the GetType method instead, I receive the null reference exception.

    I'm using version of the AjaxPro assembly.

    Any suggestion?


    Cory Cissell

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