Download latest Ajax.NET Professional
Download the latest Ajax.NET Professional library and examples for free at Support and feedback welcome at the Google group.
The latest changes:
Version (Discussion)
- Fixed bug for Express Web Developer Edition when method does not have
any argument, seems to be a WebDev.WebServer.EXE bug.
- Initial version of WebAjaxErrorEvent to log excpetions during AJAX calls.
- Fixed use of JavaScript arguments for onError, onTimeout, onStatChanged.
- Added String.isNullOrEmpty and Function.isFunction in prototype.js.
- Added AjaxPro.queue.abort to stop running requests.
- Changed encoding to UTF-8 on request and response.
- Fixed IFrame support, using JavaScript objects, res.value=null and exceptions
are serialized correct, now.
- Added new AjaxPro.noActiveX = true|false. Will use IFrame instead of ActiveX
if window.XMLHttpRequest is not implemented.
- Added JavaScriptUtil.ConvertXmlToIJavaScriptObject and fixed older method
JavaScriptUtil.ConvertIJavaScriptObjectToXml (save IJavaScriptObject) to XML.
- Added System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items[Utitlity.AjaxID + ".JSON"] which
will hold the original JSON request as a string (see: example.aspx)
- Fixed IJavaScriptObjects Value property and ToString.
- AjaxPro.toJSON removed blanks in JSON string.
- window.XMLHttpRequest will be created on first invoke instead while running
the initialize method.
- Added new examples for DataView, JSON conext item, convert JSON to xml.
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bayo opadeyi said
have heard a lot about ajax. but haven't tried it. that will soon change!
Joe Corba said
Well I wish I had known about your web site before ;-)
Joe Corba said
Well I wish I had known about your web site before ;-)
Phương Nguyễn said
Please send me lastest Ajax.NET Professional
Thanks a lot
Nirav said
Its very good source
phywm said
a comment for professional
MAnish said
Hi Curious about it.
Shine said
i need it for lerning