Jan's Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Web Site Updated
Jan Kučera has updated his great Web site about Microsoft .NET Micro Framework www.microframework.eu. If you want to know how to start you will find tutorials and further examples. Events and FAQ will help to stay informed using the .NET Micro Framework. Jan is a active user at the .NET Micro Framework newsgroup.
I'm very happy to announce that he has started an online shop offering the Tahoe Development Kit and the Meridian CPU. The add-ons for Ethernet and 3D accelerometer are available there, too. Well, all European .NET Micro Framework developers are now able to get hardware with less shipping costs.
Jan told me that everyone is invited to write articles published on his Web site. Thanks Jan for your hard work!!
The latest news on his new Web site: "New web published. Current content updates: PortStore expanded by TrisState ports, significant changes to Dcf77Decoder a NoritakeDisplay files, actualized hardware and modules comparison table added, FAQ EWR settings removal and restoratoin, articles about modal windows and configurations, link to TOC and code from Jens' Book."
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Kamran Shahid said
Not Working
Michael Schwarz said
Now, it's back...!