Visual Studio Add-Ins

There is many ways to make your life easy with Visual  Studio. Here is some vs2005-vs2008 add-ins which you'll love to use it.

  • GHOSTDOC : this tool is free. You can use this tool to add a summary to your classes, methods, fields ..... and much more. Can be customized as you like to help you to improve your coding skills and make your code more understandable.
  • AGGIORNO : another great add-in which can be used to improve the ability of Web Developer to achieve more tasks in less time.
  • CODEKEEP : I love this tool, it helps you to keep some common code snippet to be reused again.
  • VSMOUSEBINDINGS : helps you to customize your mouse buttons behavior on visual studio.
  • WSCONTRACTFIRST : I did not use this tool, but I know that its useful while creating web services and customizing them.

Of course there is many other add-ins for visual studio, I just wanted to highlight the ones that may improve your coding skills and help you to make your life more easy.

By the way I can not end this post without mentioning SNIPPY which gives you the ability to create your own code snippet easily.

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