UCertify Prep-Kit (070-553 C#) Review
If you are working in IT section you know very well that the knowledge you have can not be measured easily. You may spend years on the same position without any rise just because you are not able to show how much you know about your work and section. Therefore many companies like Microsoft have started certification programs which will help you to measure your knowledge and show the world that you have good experience in your subject. I believe that when you get certified, you will measure and show your knowledge, beside that you'll raise your life style and salary!
.net Workshop
while surfing i found out that there is people that love to share knowladge. one of them is Richard Grimes. He shared a full workshop about three subjects;
Log Off OWA from Code Behind
After many tries and havey googling to find out the best way to log off OWA from page code behind while logging out from my main application, i found out that this can be achieved in one way ( in my position). Rise a small popup window and call OWA log out page!
Observer Pattern C#
Observer Pattern C#
I wrote a small tutorial about how to use observer patter; view the article here.
Access OWA with C# inside Site
public partial class OpenOwaPage : System.Web.UI.Page
private string userName;
private string passWord;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
passWord = "password";
userName ="username";
private string LoadOWAPostJS(string strFormId)
//Constructs the JS needed to post the data to Realex and returns it
StringBuilder strScript = new StringBuilder();
strScript.Append("<script language='javascript'>");
strScript.Append("var ctlForm = document.forms.namedItem('{0}');");
strScript.Append("ctlForm.username.value=\"" + userName + "\";");
strScript.Append("ctlForm.password.value=\"" + passWord + "\";");
return String.Format(strScript.ToString(), strFormId);
private string CreateOWAFrom()
//Constructs the Realex HTML form and returns it
StringBuilder strForm = new StringBuilder();
strForm.AppendLine("<form id=\"logonForm\" name=\"logonForm\" target=\"_self\" action=\"https://your_Owa_Adress/exchweb/bin/auth/owaauth.dll\" method=\"post\">");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"destination\" value=\"https://your_Owa_Adress/exchange/\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"flags\" value=\"0\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" id=\"username\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" id=\"password\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"SubmitCreds\" name=\"SubmitCreds\" value=\"Connection\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"rdoRich\" name=\"forcedownlevel\" value=\"0\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"rdoPublic\" name=\"trusted\" value=\"0\"/>");
return strForm.ToString();
Sometimes you maybe not able to access your OWA because of your Browser configuration, add your OWA website address to your Browser trusted site to solve this problem. If you do not want to logoff from OWA with the regular logoff button, read this (click here). Otherwise you'll enter OWA any time you type OWA address. -
Windows 7 Features
There is some new features which will come with windows 7 makes me feel that Vista was like Windows Millennium (ME). Any way i beleive that Windows 7 will open and new age in operating systems.