UCertify Prep-Kit (070-553 C#) Review
If you are working in IT section you know very well that the knowledge you have can not be measured easily. You may spend years on the same position without any rise just because you are not able to show how much you know about your work and section. Therefore many companies like Microsoft have started certification programs which will help you to measure your knowledge and show the world that you have good experience in your subject. I believe that when you get certified, you will measure and show your knowledge, beside that you'll raise your life style and salary!
This might be the difficult part of this process! If you entered any IT certification exams before (esp. Microsoft), you know very well that they do not ask you on a specific subject only! They will ask you whatever may be related with that subject. When you take such exams, you must be well-equipped to pass it; your daily knowledge may not be enough to make you pass the exam! Getting equipped with knowledge need a long time of study which you may not afford!
From my experience in this subject, I can say that you need some fast courses which will not take much time. There are many companies which offer such services. One of these companies is UCertify and last week I had the chance to review and check one of those exams: Prep-Kit for (070-553 C#). I found that the package is very useful from these points of views;
- The way of covering subjects: actually the package covers subjects according to Microsoft requirements in an easy way to make the reader remember what it is related to. ( I liked the flash cards: small hints but very useful)
- Practice tests: this feature is very good, because it helps you to feel yourself in a real exam. Many practice tests that will help you measure whatever you studied about the subject.
- Articles: yes articles! Some useful articles about the exam subjects.
- How to study: shows you the right way to prepare yourself for the exam.
- User-friendly interface
- And many many more....
I did not think that studying for IT exams could come that much easy, but after I saw the package above, I believed that there is no way to FAIL! By the way, UCertify gives a money back guarantee if you fail to pass the exam! .And before i finish here is some screen shot of Prep-Kit (070-553 C#);
you can visit UCertify here http://www.ucertify.com.
Notice: If you want to buy any of uCertify PrepKit product you may use this code for 10% discount as my blog reader. the code "YOUNIS".
Hope this helps.