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Well, long time no post :). I dont have much things to say. Atleast a couple of stuff to share.First, I finally did some some work on my Visual XPath application (which I'm going to upload within the next few days) and most importantly, I enrolled for a Masters Degree in Mobile Computing. I haven't done any .NET CF programming before therefore I am looking for some good books or "Getting started" type of tutorials. In the first semester, we have four courses: namely, Mobile Computing, Mobile Performance Engineering, Concurrent and Distributed Systems and Networks & Protocols. There is an optional course of Software Development (though, I will not be taking this) in which they are going to teach Java :) with a book named "Java made simple" ( a title most appropriate for an MSc student). To be honest, It feels very annoying when you see people talking about Java as some standard in teaching. I know that there are lots of libraries and a whole lot of academic projects built with java but so what, give me some space plz. I can see this as an opportunity extend .net to create similar libraries or modules which are already available in Java. Enough for now as I'll talk more about my studies as we move along.

1 Comment

  • Yes, indeed its quite painful to see ppl pretending a PL as way-to-teach or technology itself. I hold nothing against java but its not the right way uni's are treating it; its pitiful and really satirical to have an EASY java programming at post grad level. Wishing u best of luch with studies!

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