SequenceViz 0.3 :: Namespaces and Pie Chart
With the help of Mike and Steve, finally there are few visitors coming to the site looking for SequenceViz. For those new visitors and the existing loyal readers (if there are any :)), here is another version of SequenceViz.
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A quick screenshot first.
New Additions:
1) Namespace Supports:
Now you can see in the assembly tree that the classes are grouped under namespaces.
2) Assembly Pie Chart:
In this version, I put a Tab control to easily add multiple views of the assembly data.
Assembly Stats is a new view where you can see the size of assemblies and namespaces. It works when you either select Assembly or Namespace in the left hand pane and switch to Assembly Stats tab.
If you have selected an assembly then the pie charts shows the different namespaces within the assembly. The size of each pie is proportional to the size of classes in each namespace. For eg. Here is a nice view of log4net assembly. You can see that the classes are nicely distributed among namespaces.
The view changes when you select a namespace as shown below. Now it shows the different classes in the selected namespace . Similarly, the size of the pie in this case is proportional to the size of methods in each class.
I was initially thinking about adding the chart to show the number of IL count for each method. In the end, I decided not to go along that path because IL doesn't reflect the true number of lines in a higher level language and can give an incorrect picture.
Finally, a big thanks to ZedGraph for building a wonderful open source chart package which comes with excellent document even though it is really really simple to use.
The Future:
I'm trying to setup a CodePlex project so that SequenceViz can get its own home, but currently there are few areas of that website not working so I'll to wait until that get fixed. In the meantime, if you would like to see anything in the next release then please leave your comments. The main theme of SequenceViz is to use visualization to help people understanding an existing project.
For comments on putting this as Reflector Plugin:
I would like to control the shell and now as I am getting comfortable with using Cecil therefore I am sorry that I won't be able to integrate this in Reflector any time soon. In addition there are some features that I want to see in SequenceViz which would not be possible without controlling the shell application.
SequenceViz 0.3 (Source + Binaries)