Windows 7 – Clock messed up?

It was just before 6p and I was working on some Silverlight-PRISM thingi (technical jargon), when I clicked on the clock instead of the ‘Show Desktop’ icon on my Windows 7 machine. I was extremely surprised to see the clock like this:


See the hour-hand. It is still 6 degrees away from its ‘home’ and it had only 23 seconds to go there. Seriously, I’ve never see the hour-hand lag so behind and it seems like the clock begs to say ‘something is asymmetric’. Curious to see happens next and how it would ‘JUMP’ (if at all it would) to its destination, I sat there and stared at the clock. The countdown began…

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

and yes the hour-hand made the 6 degrees JUMP to 6 o’clock on the last possible second.


Huh… that was a close call right there!! I thought something catastrophic was going to happen. Ok, all’s well, things ended with a positive note, you guys can go back to whatever it was that you were doing and the blacks, the whites, the browns (and all other colors) can continue to live in peace!!

But honestly, that IS one skewed clock.

1 Comment

  • In windows 7 my clock is 7 hours behind and will not keep the correct time after resetting the time and restarting the computer. I guess I have no choice but to completely reinstall windows in order to fix this.

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