New Add-In Toolbox

As you can see I have just given the 'Add-In Toolbox' a much needed lick of paint and dose of sanity. You will no longer have to click save after every change and loose your add-ins if you reinstall! I have used Lutz Roeder's CommandBar for .NET to give it a Windows XP theme. I started using it because I found the Windows Forms toolbar such a pain to work with. In contrast I have found the CommandBars a pleasure use!

The new install includes Managed Add-Ins, the Reflector Add-In and Jason Bock's FileGenerator add-in (this lets you bulk export decompiled source). It doesn't include Reflector, but will download and install it the first time it loads. You will have to make sure you have uninstalled any previous versions of the Reflector Add-In before you install.  Here is a direct link to the new install. It isn't referenced on the main site yet.

I would be grateful if someone could confirm that the install is working okay on a fresh machine. It should work with Visual Studio.NET 2002 and/or 2003. Could you comment here when you get it working? It should be a very strait forward install (in contrast to the alpha versions).

BTW if you haven't voted already there are now just a few votes in it! There are some strong entries and the competition is worth checking out. Of cause your support would be appreciated... ;o)


  • Works like a champ! Thanks a lot - you are my second hero (after Lutz ...) :-)

  • This looks great. Unfortunately it keeps hanging Visual Studio (2002 on XP Pro).

    Email me at if I can give you any more info.

  • Hi Damian,

    Are you finding that the Reflector Add-In is hanging Visual Studio? I have had problems with some applications that use native calls (but never Reflector). Some more info would be great.

    Thanks, Jamie.

  • Installs fine on a clean XP/VS7.1

    The autodownload feature for the reflector doesn't work so well - we're behind a proxy server...

  • I had hoped it would piggy back the IE proxy settings. Obviously not. If anyone else is having problems with proxies do the following...

    Download Reflector, rename Reflector.exe to Reflector.dll and place it in the \Program Files\ManagedAddIns\AddIns\ReflectorAddIn\ directory. If the add-in can find this file it will bypass the download procedure.

    Thanks for the feedback.


  • Damian vier email...

    Actually you are right. Reflector hasn't been a problem. I tried Codesmith (which can be an addin but I'm only using VS2002) and Chris Sells Regex designer and they both hang it.

    This is a great concept you have here though, I just know this can turn into something BIG.

    Keep up the great work


  • Hmm, I see FxCop in your screenshot - is that available as a VS.NET Addin? If so, does it still lock the DLL like the standalone one does?

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