Enumerating AppDomains
Have you ever wondered how to enumerate all AppDomains in the current process? It can be done with a little COM interop...
// Add the following as a COM reference...// C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\mscoree.tlb using System;using System.Collections;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using mscoree; public class AppDomainUtils{
public static IList ListAppDomains(){
CorRuntimeHostClass host =
new CorRuntimeHostClass(); try{
ArrayList list =
new ArrayList(); IntPtr enumHandle;host.EnumDomains(
out enumHandle); while(true){
object domain;host.NextDomain(enumHandle,
out domain); if(domain == null) break;list.Add((AppDomain)domain);
return list;}
This is a modified version of some code NETMaster (Thomas Scheidegger) posted.