Lazy Update to NUnitAddIn-0.9.576d
Here is the lazy way to update to the latest version of NUnitAddIn.
- Close all instances if Visual Studio.
- Execute the following from the command line.
msiexec /x {8073D8BC-7651-4ADF-9219-F67DB3C49103}
msiexec /i
That's it! Next time you launch Visual Studio, you'll find the new simplified project 'Test With...' menu. You can now launch the modified (works with most test framework versions) NUnit GUI on the selected project. Until recently NUnitAddIn would use the test engine built into the 'nunit.framework' assembly. Now the test engine has moved to 'nunit.core' (as of NUnit 2.2) it makes sense to distrubute a version of NUnit with the add-in.
If you'd like to see some of the more advanced options in action, the best place to start is the add-in's manual test-cases. These come in the form of a test project with steps and expectations defined in the XML doc comments. You can download the test project from here. If you find a test-case that isn't working, please let me know (along with which OS and version of Visual Studio you're using).