Save, Build, Test

The very anoying bug where source files weren't being saved before building and testing has been fixed!  This was only ever an issue for J# and C++ projects from what I can work out.

The other news is that NUnit Addin now supports JUnit projects!  Interestingly the 'junit.framework' package compiles out of the box with J#.  All it required was a minor tweak to preserve stack traces.  This new functionality should be useful when porting Java projects to .NET.

Let me know if you would like any other testing frameworks supported.  Would #Unit support be useful to anyone?

You can download the latest build here.


  • This was an issue for me in C# as well. However, now it seems to be saving files that haven't changed, which causes problems with source control because these files are read only. Is there a way to find out if the file is dirty before trying to save it? Or, you could just use the File.SaveAll command to save the files (this only saves the ones that need saving).

  • This problem regarding source control is forcing me to revert to an older version. I had 0.2.58d and it worked better for me.

    Also, (during the five minutes it took to realize I could not use this version) I could not get "debug test" to work, for a single method, or entire projekt (from the Tools menu), either it appeared to hang, or NUnitAddin.TestRunner.Server.exe would exit and no Trace output anywhere (seemed to work fine in "Run tests") and no breakpoints where hit.

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