Have you Uninstalled VS2005 beta1?

I'm keen to hear from anyone who has uninstalled VS2005 beta1 on a machine with VS2003 installed.  There is an possible issue where uninstalling beta1 breaks 'Test With... Debugger' in VS2003.  I say possible because at the moment it's just a hunch.  Please comment here and let me know whether or not 'Test With... Debugger' is still working (I'm just as keen to know if it still works).  If the issue is consistent then I'll add it as an FAQ.

Update: Thanks for the comments everyone. There does appear to be a new bug when VS2003 and VS2005 beta 2 are installed (related to registering for COM events). VS2003 and VS2005 beta1 worked fine side by side. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case with beta 2.  I don't know if this is an issue with the .NET Framework 2.0 beta 2 in general, with VS2005 beta 2 and/or the Express versions. Please keep the comments coming.

I've just uploaded a new build with a workaround for this issue. It also fixes executing tests using the VSTS test runner. This is a very rushed release (due to this new issue). Please let me know if you notice any quirks.




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