New in TestDriven.NET 2.0 Beta

What's new at a glance:
  • Built and tested using the RTM bits of .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005
  • Support for Visual Studio 2005 Team System unit testing and debugging
  • Support for Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions
  • Compatible with 64bit versions of Windows
  • Backward compatible with Visual Studio .NET 2002/2003
  • Shiny new extensibility model

You can find instructions on how to get the latest build here.

(I'll elaborate more in future posts!)


  • Sounds good. What are the major differences between 1.0 and 2.0?

  • Hi Eric. I'll update it for the final release of TD.NET 2.0. At the moment you can download a version of 2.0 Beta from the site. I can't garentee it will be as up do date as what's on FolderShare.

  • I've just downloaded 2.0 Beta. Installation was no problem.

    Walking through the application folder I noticed that there is NUnit 2.2.3 referenced, but without the Gui. So one cannot right-click on a Visual Studio project or a class to open it into a NUnit standalone client.

    Do you plan to stay without the NUnit Gui? Am I right that you're referencing the newest released NUnit Version?

    Thanks a lot for the nice application!


  • Hi Nick,

    I quickly confirmed that MbUnit is working with the latest (MbUnit-2.3.2.exe) build of MbUnit. I'm sure Andrew would be happy to help out with more specific MbUnit questions (and have people try his new installer ;).

    Good luck! Jamie.

  • Jamie,

    Switching over to the new MbUnit build did the trick! Thanks again.


  • How come explicit test cases are run with 2.0 when I run entire project? This did not happen with 1.0, which is the correct way.

  • re: explicit test. Thanks for letting me know. I'll start working on a fix.

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