NCover 1.3.3 + .NET 1.1

I know some organisations aren't ready to deploy .NET 2.0 on their developers' machines. In fact Grant Drake, the author of NCoverExplorer is in exactly this situation. This meant that he wasn't able to use the new 'Test With... Coverage' functionality at work (as it required NCover 1.5.x + .NET 2.0). I have since added support for the earlier NCover 1.3.3. You can now use code coverage on a bare bones installation of Visual Studio .NET 2003 (as of build 1342). Note this will only work with VS2003. If you want to use coverage with VS2002, VS2005 or Express, you must use .NET 2.0 + NCover 1.5.1 (or later)

This is my way of apologising to Grant for leaving him the wrong side of a firewall, with an unfamiliar version control system at 3AM!

BTW, If you're using NCoverExplorer you should read the FAQ that Grant recently put up.


  • I cannot get Test With...Coverage to run. I must be missing something. I'm using VS 2003 Pro on WinXP workstation. The .NET 2.0 framework is not installed.

    I installed TD.NET 2.0.1343d and am able to "Run Test(s)", "Test With...Debugger", and "Test With...InProc"; but "Test With...Coverage" always results in this message in the Output window, then nothing else happens:

    "Code Coverage support has been tested with the following configurations:

    1) Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite, Developer or Tester

    2) Visual Studio 2002/2003/2005

    NCover v1.5.1 Beta 2 (<a target="_new" href="">

    Microsoft .NET 2.0 RTM

    3) Visual Studio 2003/2005

    NCover v1.3.3 (<a target="_new" href="">

    Microsoft .NET 1.1 RTM

    This is an early version so please check back for updates.&quot;

    I installed NCover 1.3.3 separately (and after installing TD.NET b/c I didn't see the NCover assemblies anywhere.

    What am I missing?

  • I am having the same problem as Craig above. VS 2005 Pro in Win XP Pro and .Net 2.0 installed.

  • I had missed this post. I can't install .Net 2.0 either, I'll try it asap!


  • It works!!! I had to compile in Debug mode (won't work in release).

    Congratulations guys!

  • Hi
    Could anyone provide download of NCover 1.3.3? Thanks in advance.

  • Hi,
    I have .Net frame Work 1.1 installed on my Machine.I would like to use Ncover 1.3.3 for my Project,which is not available in the NCover website.

    Could you please help me out in getting Ncover1.3.3,as all other NCover versions supports .Net Framework2.x.


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