ASP.NET's Configuration System

Have you ever wondered how ASP.NET installs its fancy 'Web.config' configuration system?  Well, here it is...

HttpConfigurationSystemBase configSystem = new HttpConfigurationSystem();
MethodInfo method = typeof(ConfigurationSettings).GetMethod("SetConfigurationSystem", BindingFlags.NonPublic);
method.Invoke(null, new object[] {configSystem});

It uses refection to call a private method.  I didn't expect to find that!


  • Nasty little hacks creeping under the hood my precioussss...

  • Dude, I've been looking for that code for forever. Where did you find it?

    I knew installing the config system had to be dirty based on what the ConfigurationSettings exposes, but I didn't expect anything quite like that. :)

  • Reflector wouldn't want to take the precioussss away from you... :)

  • Right, I get that you can find it with reflector, but *where*? What class / method? You tease me with knowledge!

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