Quick Launch

I've uploaded new versions of Managed Add-Ins and the Reflector Add-In. I've added a 'Quick Launch' menu to quickly start and stop your add-ins. I think this was needed before going properly beta (i.e. feature complete). You can dowanlod the new versions from here.

Just for fun I've also made Wahoo! available out of the box. Could you comment here if you know of any other utilities and games that are runnable from a URL?


Remember to press the save icon after adding new add-ins.  Also the quick launch menu is only populated when VS.NET first loads.  I know this isn't ideal, but it works for the moment.


  • Where did you get that Messenger_net addin? :) All the ones I found on the net are very flakey...

  • I can't get reflector to work from the context menu. I bring up reflector but if I right click in a method and select any item under Reflector, I get an error message saying the "Add-in supporting this command could not be loaded. Do you wish to remove the command".

  • It seems there is an issue with the Reflector Add-In version 0.6/0.7. I have rolled back to version 0.5 on the website while I work on the problem. Thanks for letting me know!

  • Can't get anything to work, Managed Addins shows up in the Add-in Manager, is checked, but that's it.

    I'm running VS.Net 2003 on W2k.

    I installed the Managed addin then the reflector, but don't see any other menus else where.

  • My quick launch bar has moved to the right side of the screen. I want it back on the bottom of the screen but can't find where how to make the change.



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