7 tips for for loading Javascript rich Web 2.0-like sites significantly faster
You must have noticed Microsoft’s new tool Doloto which helps solve the following problem:
Modern Web 2.0 applications, such as GMail, Live Maps, Facebook and many others, use a combination of Dynamic HTML, JavaScript and other Web browser technologies commonly referred as AJAX to push page generation and content manipulation to the client web browser. This improves the responsiveness of these network-bound applications, but the shift of application execution from a back-end server to the client also often dramatically increases the amount of code that must first be downloaded to the browser. This creates an unfortunate Catch-22: to create responsive distributed Web 2.0 applications developers move code to the client, but for an application to be responsive, the code must first be transferred there, which takes time.
When you create rich Ajax application, you use external JavaScript frameworks and you have your own homemade code that drives your application. The problem with well known JavaScript framework is, they offer rich set of features which are not always necessary in its entirety. You may end up using only 30% of jQuery but you still download the full jQuery framework. So, you are downloading 70% unnecessary scripts. Similarly, you might have written your own javascripts which are not always used. There might be features which are not used when the site loads for the first time, resulting in unnecessary download during initial load. Initial loading time is crucial – it can make or break your website. We did some analysis and found that every 500ms we added to initial loading, we lost approx 30% traffic who never wait for the whole page to load and just close browser or go away. So, saving initial loading time, even by couple of hundred milliseconds, is crucial for survival of a startup, especially if it’s a Rich AJAX website.
Microsoft Research looked at this problem and published this research paper in 2008, where they showed how much improvement can be achieved on initial loading if there was a way to split the javascripts frameworks into two parts – one primary part which is absolutely essential for initial rendering of the page and one auxiliary part which is not essential for initial load and can be downloaded later or on-demand when user does some action. They looked at my earlier startup Pageflakes and reported:
2.2.2 Dynamic Loading: Pageflakes
A contrast to Bunny Hunt is the Pageflakes application, an
industrial-strength mashup page providing portal-like functionality.
While the download size for Pageflakes is over 1 MB, its initial
execution time appears to be quite fast. Examining network activity
reveals that Pageflakes downloads only a small stub of code
with the initial page, and loads the rest of its code dynamically in
the background. As illustrated by Pageflakes, developers today can
use dynamic code loading to improve their web application’s performance.
However, designing an application architecture that is
amenable to dynamic code loading requires careful consideration
of JavaScript language issues such as function closures, scoping,
etc. Moreover, an optimal decomposition of code into dynamically
loaded components often requires developers to set aside the semantic
groupings of code and instead primarily consider the execution
order of functions. Of course, evolving code and changing
user workloads make both of these issues a software maintenance
Back in 2007, I was looking at ways to improve the initial load time and reduce user dropout. The number of users who would not wait for the page to load and go away was growing day by day as we introduced new and cool features. It was a surprise. We thought new features will keep more users on our site but the opposite happened. Analysis concluded it was the initial loading time that caused more dropout than it retained users. So, all our hard work was essentially going to drain and we had to come up with something ground breaking to solve the problem. Of course we had already tried all the basic stuffs – IIS compression, browser caching, on-demand loading of JavaScript, css and html when user does something, deferred JavaScript execution – but nothing helped. The frameworks and our own hand coded framework was just too large. So, the idea tricked me, what if we could load functions inside a class in two steps. First step will load the class with absolutely essential functions and second step will inject more functions to the existing classes.
I published a codeproject article which shows you 7 tricks to significantly improve page load time even if you have large amount of Javascript used on the page.
7 Tips for Loading JavaScript Rich Web 2.0-like Sites Significantly Faster
- Use Doloto
- Split a Class into Multiple JavaScript Files
- Stub the Functions Which Aren't Called During Initial Load
- JavaScript Code in Text
- Break UI Loading into Multiple Stages
- Always Grow Content from Top to Bottom, Never Shrink or Jump
- Deliver Browser Specific Script from Server
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