I was thinking about purchasing a new mouse, and I came across this presenter tool from Logitech
A different perspective on Class Viewer in Visual Studio .NET
As I was coding away tonight I started messing around with Class Viewer in Visual Studio .NET. Although it has some nice features (some specific to language) I stumbled across a view I hadn't seen before. By choosing to group by type, everything is organized into subfolders according to it's kind. Here is a snapshot:
Scott Watermasysk's HTML Friendly Code Viewer
Scott Cate was the first to show me Scott Watermasysk's code-to-html viewer. I just used it in a previous post, and thought I should give Scott Watermasysk another plug for making code easier to read in blogs. Thanks Scott(s).
Getting the absolute path in ASP.NET (part 2)
In a previous blog, I received many comments on various ways I could get the application root. I am thankful for such comments. What most of the commenters did not realize is that I need the resolution of the url in a custom http module, where Control.ResolveUrl is not practical to use. And since I am using vanity urls (phantom paths that have no mapping to physical files or pages), I needed the resolution without the use of any System.IO objects.
Providing information for a Repeater when there is no data...
I just read a recent blog from Alex Campbell on extending the Repeater control to provide a message when there is no data available from the data source. Check it out!
Regex pattern for anchor tags (part 2)
Thanks to a comment by Jerry Pisk, I have revised the RegEx pattern to allow the anchor tag to include other attributes as well. Here is the revision:
RegEx pattern for anchor tags
Scott Cate just wrote a blog on his first (from scratch) RegEx pattern to find anchor <a> tag. Here is my revision:
C# with ASP.NET for Developers
The video series from LearnKey is finally available!
Installing VS 2005 (May 2004) issues with documentation
I came across a good link if you are having issues with help documentation after installing Visual Studio .NET 2005.