SnagIt v9 == Worth The Upgrade
I just recently upgraded to SnagIt v9 and I am very happy with the new features.
Video: Advanced Features in Windows Vista
In a previous video on Windows Vista, I showcased some of nice usability features compared to XP. In this new video referenced below, I target the IT professional and explore more advanced features. Once again, the "anti-Vista" folks out there are more than welcome to view the video and provide feedback.
Video: What's New for Your Users in Windows Vista
There is much controversy over Windows Vista. Where I work, several have given up on Vista and have returned to XP. There is plenty of information out there as to why users do not like Vista. The point of my video is to highlight the advantages of Vista. I am not a preacher of Vista. I would not say I "love" Vista. I have had my own issues with Vista, as is seen in some of my previous blogs. Nonetheless, I am not leaving Vista because I have become too attached to some of the features that have increased my productivity as a user and developer. If you are "anti-Vista", I encourage you to view the video referenced below and then provide feedback.