Covey's 7 Habits and GTD by David Allen in One Week!

As a .NET developer, trainer, and program director, courseware author, husband, father, and pet owner -  I thought it was time for a little self-help.  This past week I was able to attend two workshops:  Covey's 7 Habits & David Allen's GTD (Getting Things Done).

While 7 Habits focused primarily on "big picture" and relationships, GTD offered great tactical strategies for project action items, reference systems, and organizational systems.

During this process, I wondered if any developers out there are intentionally implementing either of these practices?  I plan on posting a blog in the future that merges the best of both worlds into one system.  If you have implemented either system, what did you like | dislike?  Do you prefer another management system?


  • I had very good references about GTD for personal planning, but I have never completed reading "GTD, by Allen" (the book).

    I hope you can post your experience with this very soon, maybe it will encourage me :)

  • is pretty darn good.

    You may want to check out as well.


  • penyaskito:

    What I found interesting is that GTD is about your whole life (nut just personal). When you think about it, 7 Habits and GTD *should* be implemented in all aspects of life, not just work or family.

  • I was introduced to GTD from Bob Walsh's book Micro-ISV. I am currently Reading "Getting Things Done" and from what I've implemented so far I love the system. The workflow organization diagram alone was worth the price of the book. I love the idea of getting all of the "stuff" you need to do out of your head and into a collection system.

  • I reading GTD and Covey's book.

    I would like to joint somehow 2 systems ?

    Any thoughts ?


  • REXwireless has blackberry software that merges GTD and Covey into a customizable program. Its called ToDoMatrix Professional and in the short time I've used it, I'm learning to love it. They also have an excellent 40 page whitepaper on their site that discusses the theories of each and how to apply to time management.

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