I Don't Feel Like I'm on a Diet

eat_too_fast_too_muchWhen I attend a technical conference, I usually do not see attendees exhibit great eating habits.  Let's face it, the way computer professionals are typically displayed in the media is as nerds with junk food in one hand, soda in another.  I don't mind the nerd stereotype, but I would like to defy the image that we can not control our eating.

Recently, a friend of the family (Jodi Sears), claimed success with a new "diet" she discovered.  I am now on that "diet" and I am seeing results myself!  Here it is:

  1. Eat slowly
  2. Eat smaller portions

That's it.  Seriously.  Try it for a week.  It will take some effort, but it really seems to be working.  Think of how we have been conditioned in our society to do the opposite - eat big portions as fast as possible.  Since grade school we have been trained that we have limited time for eating.  Once we entered the work force, with all of our deadlines, we ate as quickly as possible to get things done.  This common sense approach allows us to enjoy the food more & digest it easier.

Ok, I did add my own element to this "diet".  I intentionally drink more water every day. 

After my own measure of success, I asked Jodi if I could blog about her new "diet".  She gave me permission, so I asked what do you call it?  She said "I Don't Feel Like I'm on a Diet."  Fair enough.


  • Kim,

    You used a phrase in your comment that is key:

    "if I consciously chew my food"

    I never knew how fast I ate until I paid attention. Wow. If everyone would pay attention to how they eat. It would probably render another postitive benefit - good eating etiquette!

  • Jim,

    You are absolutely correct... You have to have self-control to make this simple secret work. Congratulations on losing the 20-25 pounds!

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