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  • A demo would be nice... I don't have a clue what you controls is or does.


  • That's why"A nice tabbed browser demo is included".

  • Keep trying to download from codeplex, cannot extract.

  • Sorry about that, Kevin.

    The download has been replaced because it had been zipped with 7-Zip and seems that could only be unzipped with 7-Zip.

    What are you using to unzip?

  • You're welcome.

  • Paulo, nice work, however, i have a question concerning the WebBrowser Control.
    I have developed a WebBrowser with my own Extended Class.The browser is designed for use with a specific Forum and is designed for Windows 7.
    I have so far completed Tabbed thumbnails/Jumplist, there is another feature Taskbar Progress which i can acheive during navigation, ideally i would like the progress to be shown when a Download is taking place, i was hopeing that your WebBrowserEx would expose this event unfortunately it doesn't.
    I know a message box can be displayed on the Filedownload event what i need to do is catch the event when the Download Progress Dialog is displayed.
    The program is developed in C# i am using the API Pack for Taskbar features, except Shell (TaskbarItemInfo) handles the progress.
    Sorry for rambling on but this has got me stumped.

  • Thanks for the reply Paulo.
    Unfortunately that doesn't do it, however it is one event closer whereas before the progress would show in the Taskbar Button, when the Filedownload dialog is displayed it now also shows when the Save As dialog is displayed, but shows no progress when the progress dialog is displayed.

    Appreciate your help.

  • Have you looked at the sample application? I'm actually only using the progress event.

    I've replaced the FileDownloading event as Downloading as the managed handler for DWebBRowserEvents2.DownloadBegin and added the DonwloadingFile event wich is the managed handler for DWebBRowserEvents2.FileDownload.

  • Hi paulo,
    Thanks for this amazing stuff. I've one problem.. I want to integrate this in wpf. This control without tabs works fine. But how to do this with tabs in wpf project.

  • Thanks, Ashutosh. Always glad to help.

    It's still a work in progress and I do intend to make a WPF version (as soon as I learn enough WPF).

    Can't you add the web browser control as the content of a tab?

  • Hi Paulo,
    Your extended webbrowser control sure looks promising. I converted the project to VS2010 and cannot get it to work. I get an 'object reference not set ...' error. Did you try to convert your project to VS2010 ?

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