Most Valuable Products for Developers

Hi! I have notice that there are lots of products for developers to choose to help on their works to be more faster, easier and reliable.

There lots of advertisements on the web and anywhere else, they just show their features in their ad spots.

So, is it really good for you to try? Will it working well as what you want?

I think you'll really need the voice from the real people who has the experience with that products.

So, that's why I am thinking to do now.

I'm going to do the Products review in every 2 months, this call the Most Valuable Products for Developers.

This not just for Developer but for everyone else too.

for this review I'll explore and focus on their features and write a small post of tutorials, how to use them, How powerful are they and How will they help you.

I'll Start my first Review post at the end of September 2008.

See you there. 




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