Commodore brand to be relaunched

If you are like me, I call that a news ;-))

I did so much on the C64, games for most of the time.

Ah ! the good ol'time of Peek and Poke, do you remember !

Tulip Computers, which owns the Commodore brand name, plans to relaunch the brand to take advantage in an upsurge of interest in the obsolete Commodore 64 (C64) computer and its 1980s-era games, the company has said in a statement.

Tulip estimates that there are still six million Commodore users, who can choose from a range of 6,000 games which were developed for the system.

Tulip is working with Ironstone Partners, which will handle all sales of Commodore 64-related products worldwide and take over the main C64 Web portal. Enthusiasts have made over ten million game downloads, the site owners have said.

Unauthorized use of the Commodore name by other organizations will be stopped, Tulip said in the statement.

Even if the Commodore 64 hardware is obsolete, enthusiasts have written emulators for Windows PCs, Macs and now PocketPC-based PDAs (personal digital assistants) to enable original Commodore games to run on those systems.

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The funny thing is this news is publish on MacWorld magazine, strange no !



  • Ahh. Bruce Lee and Mail Order Monsters, two of my favorite games of all time. Maybe I'll try to port the latter to .NET - would be a good exercise and I need a new game to play :)

    C64 games were perfect with their simplicity - enough substance, decent graphics, but all about gameplay :)

  • c64? I have the original Pet with a chicklet keyboard and 8K (yes thats, K) RAM. The went to the 4032 with a green screen. Thats where I learned BASIC. It was great!

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