.Text installation issues
I setup a blog for a small project using .Text 95.
The configuration I'm using is the Multiple Blogs of the form
But right now my problem is with the user's login.
For example, when I tried to log in my blog:
(http://blog.kilkenny.com/blog/myblog/admin/ or http://blog.kilkenny.com/blog/myblog/admin/default.aspx)
Then that i've input my username and password, the blog go back to the login page with the following URL:
Its never permit to me to administering my blog. I don't have a way to view the admin pages.
I'm sure that is not an incorrect username/password problem because when i do that, the message dottext print is: "That's not it!"
Does anybody know about this? Scott suggest to check the cookies but I still have the same problem. Locally the project works well.