Pocket PC Can we have this ?
Like many people I know, I love my PocketPC, but a big annoyance is the battery.
If you let your precious machine unattended for few days, without checking the battery level you can lost everything.
OK for the data, you can save them on a memory card.
But what's about the applications,the network settings, the GPRS settings, etc...
Serious flaw in PocketPC design. I know a lot of people who complains a lot about this.
So I have an idea (It's happens some time :-)). Well more like a suggestion to Microsoft. I believe that 99% of people using a PDA have a mobile phone.
Why not including a small utility in the OS to tell the PocketPC to send an SMS to my mobile to alert me on the dangerous low battery level ?
OK I know I can get up my sleeves and doing it myself, but maybe it could be a good small improvement.
Or this exist already ?