My world is virtual
OK I figured out yesterday how to make my URL rewriting working. Strangely, I just had to keep my original Form tag to have everything working properly.
Now another puzzling question. As many develoipers I write my code locally and I mange a lot of different web applications.
So my world is made of virtual directory.
Of course, this is great only locally, because when I deploy to my servers, everything back to the root for most of the stuff.
I know everything about relative and absolute paths, root (~). The question is how to code one good way my paths to be sure that nothing break when I move from my virtual world to my real world ?
By the way sadly some tags cannot be transformed as server side tags. An important one is the <Link tag to embed a stylesheet.
Other curious thing: if you use URL rewriting, the ~ root trick don't work anymore and it's easy to understand why :-)
So what are the solutions to make my world an happy one ?