dScribe 1.4A Release
I am happy to announce the immediate release of dScribe 1.4A.
This version passed the test from one of my colleagues who is not known for saying 'yes it's good' too fast, but hey there he was delighted by the progress on this new version.
So I published this release knowing that some minor bugs are still there (Sure you will find them quickly:-)). I think I could called this version a Technical Preview, it's a new fashion habit in our geek world.
New features:
- Image Gallery: this was a long outstanding request. All the images are stored now in the database, and I use a dynamic image module to generate them on the fly.
So an author can upload an image, and use it in the content editor.
- Text content type. Because everything cannot be described as links or headlines, I added a FreeTextBox Editor to let you include any kind of HTML code. The image gallery icon is also linked to the new Image Gallery.
- New user interface. Well I tried here to apply a standard through the different pages. I make it simple as I could. When a page require too much information, I divided the process by panel.
- New dScribe Helper assembly. This is for the front end and this little control would let you read the sections content from your database. The structure of the control tag is like this:
<ds:content id="Highlight_12" ThisPage="Homepage" ThisSection="Box 2" runat="server" />
- New navigation. I have now the navigation as a drop down menu on top of each page. Some informations like user name, project on the bottom. The drop down are not the best code, but I will have a better one.
- New Copy From... function. When an author write some content, he can now click the Copy From... button to get a copy from an existing approved content.
A lot of things has been done in this release, but surely if you have any ideas, let me know. The next BIG job now is for me to build a proper setup, and to chase the bugs.
After that, when everything will be ok, cleaning and optimizing the code. Anyway I hope this tool will help some of you who want to have a CMS for small and medium projects.
Thanks for your feedback !