Accessible Datagrids -- Not really there :-(

Marcie remind us about the fix to make Datagrid compliant  with Section 508 of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Guidelines .

Great ! In theory only, because as many of this fixes, you have to call MS support to obtain the fix.

Why it's not possible to download these hot fixes. I don't want to pay for something that should be there since .Net 1.0

I am now working hard to make all new user controls like Datagrid, Datalist and other web controls compliant with Bobby.

Believe me, it's not an easy task ! It seems that Microsoft forget too much this aspect.

Sorry for this rant, but I really think accessibility is an option at all, but must be part of our daily tasks.

We have to think about this as developers, and Microsoft has to help more on the subject.

Just as an example, try on the Microsoft website to find the simple link 'Text only' or 'Accessible version'.

Difficult, isn't it ? Because this link is buried somewhere down on their site under the section regarding... Accessible products !



  • Actually, PSS will not charge you for hotfixes.

    The reason they make you call is because these things are also known as "QFE"s, or Quick Fix Engineering. These things are not as throughly tested as service packs or full releases, so keeping the distribution limited also limits the number of people that could encounter a bug int he fix.


  • Brian I disagree with this, accessibility must be standard not an option, and this particular fix should be downloadable.

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