ASP.NET and xHTML Compliance

On this blog, you can find a rant about ASP.Net and the fact that it's not compliant with XHTML standards.

I read the comments, but I didn't found a suitable positive answer to this issue, sadly most of them are negative views.

The only one interesting is about this article “
Valid XHTML within .NET” and it's a good start for a solution.

You can download the source here.

Any comments ?



  • There's a post on the forums that outlines using a Response.Filter to make output xhtml-strict compliant.

  • I've tried that responsefilter. A lot of things you have to watch out for, for example if you don't change the regular expression for the Form name attribute you get into trouble once the page receives QueryString parameters. I found it do have a pretty drastical impact on performance as well. Up to a 40% performance decrease for a pretty small page :(.

    I like this Page and HtmlForm override method, i might take a look at that since i'm building my site. I'm all for web standards at the moment.

    Since i'm here i might as well ask you to take a look at it and throw some comments at me (too bad m comments system ain't up yet) :)

  • I think ASP.NET 2.0 will be XHTML compliant.

    And certainly the web.config will be the

    the way that Microsoft will allow us to

    choose the output as XHTML 1.0, 1.1 or HTML 4.0

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