Cache Optimisation

I read a lot about Cache settings, especially the last articles from ASPToday.

I just need some advice on what should be the best option for my prokject Scoilnet.

- Most of the content is static, generated by an in-house content management tool.
- Some pages works like a golden pages site, dynamically generating results.
- Those pages are going to be used a lot.
- I have no moment an exact picture of the numbers of users, but in theory all schools, students, and teachers in Ireland represent a population of roughly 400 000 people.
- Difficult to use a Client cache because some Schools are really under high security access (no cookies allowed in some case, proxies and firewalls to protect everything)

Maybe a solution half Client half Server would be an option, if I can detect enough information on the client side, to choose the best option ?

Let me know if you have some advices

1 Comment

  • A good solution is to transform a maximum of dynamics pages to make them statics.

    You can generate static content each time the dynamic content is updated. Or you can check when a static page is requested if you have to re-generate it.

    The good thing is that when or sqlserver are down, users can consult this pages.

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