Code magazine

We are all saying good things about MSDN magazine, the last issue is sadly not the best IMHO.

But I would like to give some kudos to the excellent Code, going on better and better every month.

The last issue cover a large area, from first steps to develop on a Tablet PC to the complexity of .Net threads.

Add to this that they have most of the best .Net writers like Dino Esposito and you finish with an excellent reading.

BTW does somebody know if Dino has a blog ? It will be a fanatstic news.

September Features

  • Creating Tablet PC Applications with VS.Net Markus Egger
  • Five ASP.Net controls you might be craving Dino Esposito
  • Mobile code.Net: Exploring the .Net compact framework Nicholas Landry
  • Working with .Net threads Juval Lowy
  • Palm development with MobileVB Clayton E.Crooks
  • Creating ASP.Net controls with style Michiel van Otegem
  • Resolving deadlocks in SQL Server 2000 Ron Talmage

The last issue (Sept/Oct 2003) is not yet on their site, but I am sure it will soon, and of course I recommend to read it.



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