Controls names dilemma in .Net 2

Nikhil Kothari is a development lead in the Microsoft ASP.NET team and he give us a little peek at the life behind the doors of ASP.Net 2 on the site ASPNetPro site.

Interesting to read that naming objects could be tough game, including for Microsoft folks ;-)

With so many features, naming is always a fun activity. For example, what should the new enhanced Grid control be called? DataGridEx? DataGrid2? IntelliGrid? Or maybe SmartGrid (earlier builds did have such a control). In the end we settled on GridView and complemented it with other "View" controls, such as DetailsView and TreeView. Sometimes we'd debate about which features should be included. I am sure an all-time favorite is going to be the enhanced AdRotator control supporting popup and pop-under ads. Our dev manager added Xbox popups to the team Web site. No kidding.

Nikhil mention also that his favorite feature is the new portal framework. Somebody on this for further infos ?
Never heard about that until now.


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