dScribe GUI

Well I am not at the PDC, and like the 99% of human beings on this planet, I have to do my load of work ;-)

First of all, I received some nice comments on my post regarding some GUI issues.

One thing I can say is that the question was about a general idea on making visible/invisible panels, not really on the buttons placement.

I know that they are actually at the wrong position, but my problem is to make a nice user friendly screen with different fieldsets.

All of the elements are related, and they need to be seen at the same time. So the Tabs idea will not work in this case.

Julien CHEYSSIAL  suggest to put numbers on each panel,. Yes this is a great idea.

He also suggest something nice about a CSS attribute I will surely try:

- For your fake disable thing, why don't you use the disabled="true" attribute on your fieldset ? It would render it with the disable look. You can also use a CSS attribute (IE Specific Filter attribute) like : style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayscale=1)". This will gray the object on which you apply this style. And when an element isn't selected in the parent datagrid, I'd display a simple sentence like "Please, select an element..." instead of the child datatable.


1 Comment

  • disabling the boxes when not is in use is the method Al Alberto used in his SWAT bug tracking system (still in-process on Code Project) and it seems to work pretty well. Users aren't surprised by things suddenly appearing and disappearing but the fact that some parts are disabled clues them in to what parts they should be using. Sometimes... I have also found that some people just don't take the time to read/look at EVERYTHING on the page so the less there is, the better the chance they'll make it to the important part.

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