A PC in 2006
From Bill Gates keynote:
The personal computer in 2006 will be a 4-6 GHz machine with 2GB of RAM a 1 TB disk with 1GB networking and 54 Mb wireless.
Well I am not sure about that, but today, to be honest, you still have a lot of PC running W98 as clients and Windows NT4 as server.
And wireless is still a yuppy gizmo in Europe.
AIB in Ireland for example run only with NT4.
The configuration Bill talk about is for a geek or a really serious gamer, not for the common people ;-)
So IMHO I would rather say that in 2006 a lot of machines will look like this:
2-3Ghz - 512Mb-1Gb Ram - 160Gb Hard drive and 100Mb Network with maybe some wireless facilities.