IDE improvments in Whidbey

G. Andrew Duthie  list a lot of impressive and awaited improvements in Whidbey IDE.

That sounds fab, but why in such a long list, some stuff has not been already implemented in VS 2003 ?

I know it's sounds like a dumb question, but why we have to wait for a beta next spring apparently and a final release surely end of 2004 to see some obvious important features done and dusted in our current tool ?

I know that MS learned a lot from their mistakes, but how it's not possible from now to have Intellisense working already in Web page @Page directive etc...?

After all Microsoft created Intellisense, so why they didn't think that it should be useful for more than some code behind?

And this is only one item, because if I look at Andrew post, I can find a lot of absurd nonsense, and the list is long like the drag and drop from the source, the formatting idiocracy, etc...

So my wish would be to have a service pack to VS.Net from Now to implement not some new features but maybe some must-be-there things.


1 Comment

  • Well, think of your own applications. While it is all well and good to say you should implement all changes immediately in the current version, at least at every company I have worked int, it does not happen. Some of the stuff (like not messing with your HTML formatting) is clearly a major difference, and probably required a big change. As VS.NET 2003, and so some things did not fit. And I guess that adding those wishes to a future version is lots easier than trying to retrofit these changes into a service pack.

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