Wallop is up

My Wallop, created by Microsoft Research is online !

The only thing is that membership is by invitation only. How strange is that ?!?

Does it mean a new elite of walloppers ;-)

The only I can say for sure, it's done with C#. anyway if somebody already there I will like to see how it looks inside. Just curious ;-)



  • Wow a microsoft photolog solution ? I never heard of it before ! Anyway, i would like to join the Wallop group too ! At least to check the design :] Who will be first to enter and post something about it ? :)

  • Yes I know we have to wait and see if some folk can be nice enough to invite us to the party ;-)

  • Well, when one of you gets invited, I hope you'll invite me as well :)

  • This was actually shown during the third keynote at the PDC. Pretty cool stuff... it showed relationship posting, say for a 2 people, you could pull up all of the pictures that contained both of them.

  • Jason so yes great but the point is that you have to be invited to join ;-)

    So if you or someone has an access let us know

  • Hi there.. thought I'd chime in... we want to get feedback from a limited group of people (and instrument the usage so we know what works and what doesn't ;-) and of course write a research paper -- and likely make a bunch of changes.

    I have to say I love these blogs. When you give a talk to a big audience like the PDC, its hard to tell what people think. When (assuming our initial set of users actually like it ;) we open the doors I'll invite you all myself--would love to hear what you think..

  • Wow, are you really Lili Cheng ? If it's true, I'm so impressed. What a chance you have to do your life in Microsoft Research ;-)

    Anyway, if you like to contact me by email...and eventually give me an access, promised I will not blog it ;-))

  • ha ha... it's me. Lilich@microsoft.com

    & remember you promised not to blog it. Send me your email and others here & i'll invite you if when we start opening.(OK now I'm going to freak out Sean Kelly, the guy who's really responsible for Wallop even more ;-)

  • I asked Robert Scoble to invite me, even *he* doesnt have access yet :-)

  • Is this anything to do with the WWMX research project.

    The WWMX app is very cool

  • I only saw the few posted screenshots on eWeek and the site and concept is wild. If it's Microsoft, you know it's going to be off the wall. I would be honored to be invited to see what offerings MS has for the Internet's future.

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