Comment on comments :-(

Hey folks calm down.

I accused in my recent posts ABSOLUTLY anybody. So it's your choice to think thet Robert is a genius, but please read carefully before jumping to some hazrdous conclusion.

As I said before, I LIKE Robert's solution, but I was just posting some alternatives without any animosity !

Blimey, if you can't discuss without starting a war, this is terrible, and anti-democratic !

My point was just to dig all the alternative solutions, because I think some smart guys have also good solutions (and please Robert don't misunderstand again what I just write).



  • You are also saying and I paraphrase here "... is good, not the best...", and "worth it for $0" which is another way of saying it's not worth paying for.

    How is it "anti-democratic" to reply to your posts?

    If your point really was to "dig" alternative solutions then fine, but that *really* isn't how it has come across. If you hadn't been banging on about commercial "advertising" previously, then I might be more inclined to believe you.

  • Sorry I was saying worth it 0$ because it's good and shoudl be there for free.

    It's anti-democratic to change my words !

    And for the commercial advertising, I don't have any shares in these companies. I just point out the free solutions and the commercial ones. Hey I like business, but everywhere nope.

  • "because it's good and shoudl be there for free"

    Why should it be free? That's ridiculous. $10 is very little to pay. You show a lack of respect.

    "And for the commercial advertising, I don't have any shares in these companies"

    You miss my point. My point isn't about you posting commercial alternatives, my point is that I would be more inclined to believe you weren't baiting Robert if you hadn't already said you dislike people posting abot their own commercial products. But as we know, it's not up to you to decide what gets posted on the main feed.

  • Come on dude.;-) Yes I dislike people commenting their own commercial products. I like objectivity so I believe that Robert should publish his tool writing just one short line on his blog about it, and let others test it and make all the publicity they want about it. And it makes common sense, becuase it will be more objective and practical. And yes you are right saying that 10$ it's cheap. But if you read the first post from Robert, you have a sensational annoucemnet he will release it for free, and in the next post, it's back with another story. As I sais the commercial tools I mentioned in a post are expensive, but they do much more than what I see with the control Robert code. It's surely a good code, I have no doubt about it, but on the demo I see on his website, it's not perfect. Be objective and constructive, that's why I said good, but not the best ;-)

  • I understand what you meant about his posts, he is a little sensational. Let's put it down to youthful exuberance, and his nationality ;)

    My sense is that you disliked the way he went about things (long posts, deleting your comment) and retaliated a bit. I respect the work that both you and Robert are doing but this (series of posts) was started by you, and it seems a little unnecessary to me.

    Anyway, I'll leave it there. I don't disagree with you, but neither do I think doing what you have done was particularly necessary either.

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