OK I think I am misunderstood. So I rewrite this post to be sure that my thoughts are not badly interpreted ;-)

IMHO, I love the discussion about Stored Procedures against Dynamic SQL.
Yes it's a good discussion, but if everybody start to copy and paste everybody's post and comment on top of that, that's going to be very messy to understand and follow the debate.
James, I didn't started the Scrolling Grid thing, I was just trying to give alternative comments and solutions, when somebody was trying to explain that he has the only solution. Also scrolling grid is also a good technical debate. No subject is more and less interesting, depends about your interest ;-)

But I think we (and I am also guilty for not doing it too often) use the feedback feature to discuss.

UPDATE:  one link published by Scott on Dynamic SQL (pros).



  • Sorry about that. Did not mean to inundate.

  • ehh...

    What are you talking about? This is EXACTLY what should be happening on these blogs.

    If anything your post about not wanting to hear anymore about the topic...and then commenting on it anyway is the only post I would object to.


  • Good Lord you are so hard with me ! Come on, we jnow already all the arguments abouts SP and Dynamic SQL.

    And you know I removed some post from last wek end. So please calm down ;-)

  • I love the stored procedure vs. Dynamic SQL **discussion**. The scrolling grid thing was a pointless argument (which you started I think), this is a good technical debate.


  • James yes it's a good discussion, but if everybody start to copy and paste the post from everubody and comment on top of that, that's going to be very messy to read.

    I didn't started the Scrolling Grid thing, I was just trying to give alternative comments and solutions, when somebody was trying to explain that he has the only solution. Also scrolling grid is also a good technical debate. No subject is more and less interesting,depends about your interest ;-) But I think we (and I am also guilty for not doing it too often) use the feedback feature to discuss.

  • Paschal, it's too bad you got flamed. While I don't agree with everything you posted, I certainly did learn a few things from the posts that went back and forth. Some of the links and alternative solutions discussed were very new to me :)

    Just like on the sproc/dsql debate. I've gone from thinking that the Frans team were totally crazy please-buy-my-orm-tool freaks to actually learning a few things :) Not that I'm giving up my stored procedures, mind you...

  • Being flamed is probably part of the blog world, but it's sad sometimes that some bloggers use this space to sold their products.

    I enjoy the debate about Stored procedures versus Dynamic SQL but I still use SP. Thanks Travis

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