Why I DON'T WANT to be an MVP ! (dedicated to Robert McLaws)
I am not posting to be an MVP, and I DON'T WANT to be one :-((
Being an MVP is a full commitment and I don't have the spare time for that. Other can do better.
If you read what I wrote and not what you think I wrote, my rant is about the fact that Ireland is always ignored when the MVP stuff is coming. If I was rude (and I don't qualify myself as a usual rude person), it's because I wanted to have some reactions.Yes I got the reactions, indeed some very positive, but I didn't expect some bigotry on my post. A lot of very good developers are working in Ireland, and I am preaching for this country to have a better representation.
Some Microsoft people are doing an incredible job here since two years for the whole Irish community (Thanks Clare, Bill and Robert), but I just like to scream, guys something good is happening here, why are you constantly ignoring us. I agree Ireland is surely not the only one, but I can't really fight for Zimbabwe or Tanzania, for the simple reason I am not living there.
And no no and no I don't want to be an MVP. Just happy to have the opportunity to lead an extraordinary league of gentlemen.
So finally Robert McLaws, before spitting your diatribe all over the place, do some research. And finally even if I respect your opinion, you don't have the authority to tell what to DO and what to DON'T.
And I will keep my right to push the interests of my local user group as long as I think it's necessary.