Five ASP.NET Controls You Might Be Craving

Good article from the master himself Dino Esposito

Tricky solutions require tricky coding—the kind of features that a wizard-driven environment and a general-purpose framework can't provide. In this article, you'll tackle five ASP.NET features that require wicked and creative code. 


  • Can't agree with you there:

    1. If you really need a control for this rather than using a repeater, there are simpler ways of doing it (e.g. derive from a repeater).

    3. Overriding ItemDataBound is overkill and NOBR isn't needed. Just add a CSS class with the styles "overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;". And I don't understand the comment about using GDI+: this is ASP.NET.

  • just what a i need thanks

  • just what a i need thanks

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