OneNote feelings

I just played with OneNote beta, and I admit it's probably a great tool.

But I'm not so excited as before install it. It's surely a personal feeling, but I don't find the point to use this tool.
The only reason I see is to have a Tablet PC otherwise with a laptop and a mouse it's quite akward.

It's weird but I had the same feeling ,well, a long time ago, when I tried one of the first ever Macintosh produced on this planet with MacWrite and MacPaint ;-)

You know this kind of sensation to probably use something great but without knowing what to do with it !


  • I've been generally pleased with OneNote but am surprised by a few omissions.

    - No real drawing tools. How about a rectangle and oval tool, or at least have the application try to "tidy" my sketches. Even the Newton did this much for me.

    - The outlining tools a pretty poor, especially for a note-taking tool.

    - No notion of send to back, bring to front, etc.

    All in all it seems promising but I don't think I'll find myself using it much until version 2.

  • I would definately be interested in OneNote for PocketPC.

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