Just a dinosaur chat ;-)

Comment from Robert Scoble

Steve Wozniak did not engineer the first personal computer. That feat belongs to the Altair.

Woz did, however, engineer the first POPULAR personal computer. Which is a major feat. I'm very honored to have met Woz several times. He's an inspiration, for sure.

Yes I know Robert I am also a computer dinosaur. The text I posted was the intro from BBC 2 for their show.

I built my own Altair in 1975, followed by a KIM (6502 processor), and Apple 2 and Pet 2001  and TRS 80 and... and ... (I can continue like that for 50 lines !)


I met too Woz and Steve Jobs something like 1979 or 1980, don't remember exactly the date, but yes it was magic, and thinking about that now make me feel so 'old'.

Son pass me my stick !



  • Thanks for the link Andrew. Very interesting !

  • That's interesting. I didn't know that. I knew he designed blue boxes before that (which were designed for ripping off the phone company) and he had a joke line as well.

    He also designed the game "breakout" for Atari. Designed that in one weekend. It went on to sell $60 million or so. Now that's a productive weekend!

  • that's cool, not like this bloke (don't remember his name) who did Visicalc and give that to the domain public in the name of research !

    Must have some regrets now, imagine the royalties on Office ;-)

  • A truly great person.

    Imagine what might have been if his hard drive hadn't crashed ;)

    I rediscovered my love of programming with an Apple IIe that was bound for the trash.

    There was a EPROM on it that had a complete programing language. I wrote a version of Conway's Life. I had next to nothing to go on, no book, no manual, but I knew the language was "in there".

    Thanks Steve.

    Just this year, I learned this from Bill Wilkinson:

    If you did it on an Apple II, it was most likely in Apple's "Integer Basic". The language that Woz wrote in *hand assembled* machine code! Yeah, really. He wrote the code on paper and then figured out the opcodes and burned an EPROM to test it. Amazing stuff he pulled. He was a fun person to talk to.

  • i love watching my walking with dinosaurs video i have so many books and my favorite dinosaur is a deplodicus

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